Sunday, April 8, 2012

Birth Of An Idea


     I think one of the great things about the United States is I have the freedom to be innovative and bring ideas to life and take them to the marketplace. As an American, I can choose to work hard and passionately on a product or a cause and be successful. For years I have worked hard in the hunting industry, as a hunting guide business owner, and I have been successful while other in the same business have come and gone. How many times have you heard somebody say, "I thought about that years ago, but I didn't pursue it because it would cost to much money, take to much time, or I didn't know enough about the details to make it happen."? All of these were heavy factors in my own decision in bringing my idea to life.

     I told you earlier I was in the outdoor recreation business. I take people duck hunting that don't have the know how or the resources to do it themselves. Most days I have better time than the hunters themselves. Each day I learn new things and I get to teach old and new things to my clients as we hunt and hang out around the lodge. The number one question asked to myself and my guides by clients is, " Can you teach me to blow a duck call like you?". So in the past, I have sat around the lodge numerous hours working with hunters teaching them the rights and wrongs of blowing a duck call. It can be a tedious and detailed process that usually ends with caller getting frustrated and saying they will buy a tape or CD to help them.

     The birth of  an idea happened this Easter with my family. My young nephew, who is a big hunter, asked if I could help him with his calling. I told him sure and he got his calls out of his truck and the lessons began. They didn't last long though. His girlfriend  tweeted him, facebooked him, or text him. He could not keep any kind of focus from that point on. His attention was with his phone and no longer listening to me about cadences and tones. I grew frustrated with my tech inclined nephew, but frustration breathed life into a great idea. I thought to myself, if we are going to teach the next generation to blow wild game calls it is gonna have to be through some type of software or phone app. Attention spans are short these days with the tech culture we live in. The wheels started spinning in my mind and I decided to return home that afternoon to start my investigation online if there was a product already that did this or if there were similar products out there.

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